Dia Mirza, Pragya Kapoor join hands for KNMA's 'The Art of Sustainability' finale

New Delhi, Aug 8 (IANS) Dia Mirza has joined hands with nature lover Pragya Kapoor for Kiran Nadar Museum of Art’s ‘The Art of Sustainability’ finale.

For KNMA’s latest ‘Art X’ series, Dia Mirza, UN Environment Goodwill Ambassador and United Nations Secretary and Pragya Kapoor, founder, Ek Sath Foundation discussed moving towards a greener lifestyle and changes that can be made in everyday life to support sustainability. A fitting end to the finale, this episode explored the roots of eco-consciousness and the wide ranging effects that even small changes can have.

Dia, an advocate for sustainable development goals, discussed the roots of eco-consciousness with Pragya. The two explored the arenas of a greener lifestyle and the effects of everyday small steps that could maneuver huge changes toward building a sustainable planet for a peaceful co-existence between different species of fauna and flora.

Wife of film director Abhishek Kapoor, Pragya Kapoor is known for championing the cause of love for nature, earth, and life. Her foundation celebrates nature through the acts of sustainability.

The Kiran Nadar Museum of Art (KNMA) established by Kiran Nadar released the series finale on August 8 as it will be available for streaming on all social media accounts of KNMA.



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