Rosneft opens world's first Geonavigation School in Moscow

By Dakul Seth

Moscow, May 1 (IANS) Russian oil company Rosneft has opened the world’s first Geonavigation School, designed to train highly-qualified specialists in the field of drilling support.

The school was created on the basis of the corporate Geological Drilling Support Centre, the school’s curriculum includes more than 10 unique courses.

“Our Center is one of the world’s leading providers of drilling support services and holds the most controlled horizontal wells in the world,” said Yaroslav Smyshlyaev, General Director of the Center for drilling support, Rosneft.

“The Center consists of several services. It includes not only geological support of drilling, but also the interpretation of logging, seismogeological analysis, geomechanical modeling of the support during drilling,” Smyshlyaev said in a statement.

Integrated development of scientific and technological potential is one of the key elements of the ‘Rosneft-2022 Strategy’. Geonavigation is the process of adjusting the trajectory of a well in real time

in order to increase the penetration through the most productive part of the reservoir. Trajectory correction solutions are based on the analysis of logging data during drilling using specialized geonavigation software.

“In 2020, we started working on the creation of an intelligent assistant to support drilling. As a result, we will have software modules that will be integrated into corporate software for drilling support ‘Horizon Plus,”‘ said Alena Galkina, leading specialist in machine learning of the department of geological support for drilling wells.

Now, the oil industry employs various methods of artificial intelligence for data analysis.

“The popularity of such methods has increased amid the enhancing of computing power, optimization of algorithms, and growth of data volumes. We manage information on more than 14,000 previously drilled wells of the Company. In addition, Rosneft drills about 3,000 new horizontal wells a year. Therefore, the use of such methods, in our case, is of great potential,” Galkina informed.

Smyshlyaev noted: “Our center also develops intellectual property of the Company, we implement innovative solutions. One of the recent solutions we are developing now is a robot assistant module, which will directly inform the geonavigator, the interpreter, about the existing experience, and will assume and inform it about possible errors.”

Rosneft’s Drilling Support Centre is one of the world’s leading providers of drilling support services and holds the most controlled horizontal wells in the world with more than 3,000 in 2020.

The first Drilling Support Centre in the Russian oil and gas industry was commissioned in 2008 and began operating on a 24/7 basis in 2009. Since November 2017, all horizontal wells and horizontal sidetracks in Rosneft have been drilled with 100 per cent support of the Centre. The cumulative economic effect of the activities already exceeds RUB 1.6 billion.

“Now, the Centre’s resources allow 24/7 monitoring and support for all of the Company’s drilling activities on high-tech horizontal wells and horizontal sidetracks, with more than 250 drillings happening daily,” it said.

Rosneft’s specialists created new types of data monitoring and information processing, including interpretation of data on geophysical analysis of drills, geotechnical studies, seismic-geological analysis and 24-hour update of geological and hydrodynamic models right during the drilling.



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