ConvertKit vs LeadPages: Which Is A Better Landing Page Builder?

ConvertKit vs LeadPages: Which Is A Better Landing Page Builder?ConvertKit vs LeadPages: Which Is A Better Landing Page Builder?

If you are trying to create a landing page you may have found yourself debating on which landing page builder you want to go with. ConvertKit vs LeadPages…how do you choose?

I have had the pleasure of using both ConvertKit and LeadPages as tools and can tell you the benefits of using both and which one to use based on your need!

While they are both great tools, in this post, I will determine which is better, ConvertKit vs LeadPages? But before I do that I want to talk a little about what I think goes into a great tool to create lead pages.

What goes into a great lead page tool?

If you have a blog, you need to have lead and sales pages. And you want a tool that will help you be successful in doing that. 

Here are the things I think a great landing page builder should include:

  • Split Testing Abilities
  • Detailed Reporting
  • Page and form templates
  • Variety of different conversion tools
  • Ability to connect to other tools in your funnel
  • Ease of Use

I am going to talk about each of these features to settle the debate of ConvertKit vs LeadPages.

I do want to start by saying that Convertkit is an Email Marketing Automation tool, but it does have the functionality to create lead pages for lead generation as well. so keep this in mind when it comes to my analysis of both tools!

Split Testing Abilities

Being able to do split testing—aka A/B testing—with your landing page tool is a pretty important feature. Having this ability allows you to try out different things on your pages to see what works and what does not.

Missing this feature means you might have a page that could be making better conversions for you, but it is hard to know for sure.

LeadPages has a robust A/B testing feature that lets you select two pages you’d like to run side-by-side with one another. And it tells you the conversion rate for each one. 

LeadPages Split Testing Feature -ConvertKit vs LeadPages : Which Is A Better Landing Page Builder?
LeadPages Split Testing Feature

Unfortunately, ConvertKit does not have a split-testing feature for its lead pages. So I think in this particular category, Lead pages is the winner.

Winner: LeadPages

Detailed Reporting

Having detailed reporting is probably one of the most important features when it comes to landing pages. If you want to improve your conversion rates, you have to know how many people are visiting your page and of those how many are converting.

And if your lead conversion tool can tell you all of this, even better!

LeadPages gives you a variety of stats to look at when it comes to your landing pages. You can see how many views, unique visitors, conversions, and of course your conversion rate for a particular page.

Leadpages reporting - ConvertKit vs LeadPages : Which Is A Better Landing Page Builder?
LeadPages reporting

I especially like that your dashboard also shows you many of these stats at a glance as well. 

Leadpages reporting on the dashboard
LeadPages reporting on the dashboard

ConvertKit also has reporting capabilities for its landing pages but does not collect as much data as LeadPages. They show you visitors, subscribers, and conversion rate. One feature that I love about ConvertKit’s reporting is that they also show you the top referring links. This is a good way to know what traffic sources are working best.

Convertkit Reporting
ConvertKit reporting

If I had to pick a winner between the two, I would go with LeadPages, not just because they provide more data with their reporting, but also because the data is at the center of the tool. It is prioritized not only on the dashboard, but even looking at the page data itself. 

Winner: LeadPages

Page and Form Templates

If you are not a web designer, it really helps to have page templates ready to go that look great and will convert well. Both ConvertKit and LeadPages offer page templates to choose from. 

ConvertKit landing pages have a variety of different page and form templates you can use. And they categorize them based on the use you want to use the page for varying from collecting email subscribers for your newsletter to promoting a lead magnet product for signups. 

Convertkit landing page templates - ConvertKit vs LeadPages
ConvertKit landing page templates

If I were comparing the sheer number of templates to each other, LeadPages landing page templates would win by a landslide. They have a massive collection of templates and are adding new ones to the list regularly. My favorite feature when it comes to sorting through the templates is the fact that you can sort them by the highest conversion rate pages. (This is typically what I do when I create pages.)

Leadpages landing page templates - ConvertKit vs LeadPages
LeadPages landing page templates

But you also have the option to sort by color, style, and industry. Honestly, this can be a little overwhelming at times, but it does pay to have this variety when you go in to create a new page.

I am going to go with LeadPages as the winner here, just because they not only have more template options but also because they tell you which ones have historically had better conversion rates in the past. 

Winner: LeadPages

Variety of Different Conversion Tools

Can I tell you about one of my favorite features for LeadPages real quick? It’s the fact that they have more than just pages you can use to convert people. 

They also do pop-ups, Alert bars, opt-in texts, and trigger links. This may all sound like gibberish, but I was sold when I saw that using LeadPages pop-ups averaged a much higher conversion rate than did my actual landing pages. More like 50-80% conversions compared to my typical 20-30% conversions with pages. And while I did shop around for other lead page tools, none, had anything comparable to this.

LeadPages Pop Ups
LeadPages Pop-Ups

ConvertKit is very lean on the variety of conversion tools it has since as I mentioned before, this is an email marketing automation tool first. But you do have a couple of options. You can choose to do a simple form or an actual page. You get tracking data for both.

Convertkit Page Options
Convertkit Page Options

If you are looking to get more conversions, I think LeadPages is the way to go in this category. But if your goal is to keep things simple, well then Convertkit may be more your speed. But for the sake of this article, I am going to go with LeadPages.

Winner: LeadPages

Ability To Connect To Other Tools

If you are creating lead pages, chances are you are probably using other tools as well to help you convert them. Whether it be collecting emails for a webinar with a webinar tool, or connecting to your payment tool. Having a variety of integrations is important for a lead page tool. 

LeadPages Integrations
LeadPages Integrations

In this case, I believe both tools do a fantastic job of connecting to different platforms. They have many they connect to. And if for some reason you do not see a tool you use on this list, both tools work well with Zapier so you can still connect to other tools with them as a middleman.

Convertkit integrations
ConvertKit integrations

 I think both tools won for this round.

Winner: Both

Ease Of Use

Lastly, you have ease of use. because it does not matter how many bells and whistles a tool as if it is difficult to navigate. I have been using both of these tools for years now, so at this point, they both come pretty easy to me. But both tools have their pros and cons. 

LeadPages Builder Tool - ConvertKit vs LeadPages
LeadPages page builder tool

LeadPages has a number of different widgets, branding elements, and functions you can choose from when it comes to building a page. if this is your first time using the builder it can be pretty darn confusing. You do have to click around to see how certain parts work or don’t work. But it is intuitive enough where you can kind of figure out how all of this is supposed to work without watching a bunch of tutorials about it.

Looking at ConvertKit, the ease of use is great. If you want to edit a part of the page, just click on it. And then you have the ability to edit it. Easy. I have created pages on ConvertKit in record time since the pages are so easy to navigate and create.

And there are not a ton of templates to choose from initially. 

Convertkit page builder tool - ConvertKit vs LeadPages
ConvertKit page builder tool

Looking at both tools, I would definitely say that ConverKit wins for ease of use because anyone can go and create a landing page within minutes even if you’ve never created one before. 

Winner: ConvertKit

ConvertKit vs Leadpages: Which Is The Winner?

It depends on what you are into.

I am going to be perfectly honest here. When I originally signed up for ConvertKit, they did not have landing pages. I had to connect LeadPages to ConvertKit. It was just the way things were done.

So when ConvertKit announced that they were going to let you build landing pages within their platform I thought, finally! Now I can cancel my LeadPages subscription.

And then I didn’t.

Sure I could’ve made the switch to ConvertKit only, but the thing is, I loved the detailed reporting and the variety of options I have with LeadPages. 

Pros of ConvertKit: Why Choose This Option?

If your goal of creating landing pages is just to collect emails to build your list, then ConvertKit is perfectly fine to use. It has a lot of options for its landing pages, especially considering that its main product is email marketing, not landing page creation.

Convertkit prices
ConvertKit prices

If you want to build your list, but feel limited because you cannot afford to also buy a specific lead page building tool like LeadPages, ConvertKit is the right choice for you.

Also, ConvertKit lets you create an account for FREE! So you can create landing pages, and grow your email list up to 1,000 subscribers before you have to worry about spending a dime. Or if you want to access more features upfront, they also have an awesome free trial you can choose from.

If this sounds like the right option for you, sign up here.

Pros of LeadPages: Why Choose This Option?

If you are creating more than just landing pages to build your email list such as creating your own products, then I think LeadPages is the way to go.

LeadPages Prices
LeadPages Prices

You have so much more control over what your pages look like and what is working and what isn’t with detailed reporting that LeadPages is the obvious choice if your goal is to make some cash from the pages you build. 

LeadPages comes in many packages too, with the first one starting at only $27 a month if you pay annually. 


Leadpages: Are you collecting emails? How about selling a product? If you answered yes to either of these questions, you should be using landing pages to do this. A landing page makes conversions easy for your customer. They have less distractions and pages are to the point. Leadpages has drag-and-drop templates you can use to get more conversions. My best page on leadpages right now has a 29% conversion rate which is huge!

Get your free 14-day trial here.

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Whether you decide to go with ConvertKit or LeadPages, you are on the right path to building your email list and your blogging income!

Where do you land in the ConvertKit vs LeadPages debate? Tell me all about it in the comments!

ConvertKit vs LeadPages: Which Is A Better Landing Page Builder?ConvertKit vs LeadPages: Which Is A Better Landing Page Builder?

The post ConvertKit vs LeadPages: Which Is A Better Landing Page Builder? appeared first on Miss Millennia Magazine.

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