The Truth About Millennials And Plastic Surgery

The Truth About Millennials And Plastic SurgeryTaking a passive role in aging? Ok, Boomer.

As millennials enter their mid-30s and early 40s, they have quickly become the plastic surgery industry’s fastest-growing age demographic. And many 30-somethings are going to see the plastic surgeon before the signs of aging start to show up on their face.

Are millennials afraid of aging? No, they are simply the first generation to truly have the means to fight the signs of aging before they start. And while there should be no pressure to get cosmetic surgery, procedures such as lip fillers and face lifts are incredibly popular.

Keep reading to learn more about the truth about millennials and plastic surgery.

Smart Phones and Smart Decisions

A Gen Xer or Baby Boomer would go to a plastic surgeon’s office with a picture of a Hollywood A-lister to use as a guide for their work. However, someone from this generation has the ability to use an Instagram or Snapchat filter to smooth out their own appearance, then tell the surgeon, “Make me look like that.”

That, or they bring a picture of Kylie Jenner with them.

In fact, the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery recently reported that over half of all millennial-aged patients showed their surgeon a filtered selfie to explain exactly what they’re looking for.

This generation is also capable of doing more research than previously possible. Previous generations would have to choose their surgeon based mainly on word-of-mouth advertising. But today, you can browse the breast lift before and after pictures from every surgeon in your area and make your decision based on proven results.

You can also browse each clinic’s online reviews to see what previous customers have to say. So when millennials choose to have plastic surgery, they are also able to make an informed decision on where to go.

A Major Shift in Attitude

We’re also living in a time where the COVID-19 crisis has seemingly having a palpable impact on society’s attitude towards plastic surgery. A record number of people are contacting plastic surgery clinics across North America right now.

Daily video calls mean that people are constantly staring at their own faces every day. This gives them a new level of exposure to any imperfections or new signs of aging.

The result is a reported 60% increase in business for plastic surgeons during the lockdown, thanks to a phenomenon called The Zoom Effect.

All of this has led to a remarkable shift in attitude towards plastic surgery over a very short period of time.

Earlier this year, The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) surveyed 1,000 people with no prior history of plastic surgery. Their data reveals that 49% of respondents said that they were open to getting their first cosmetic surgical procedure.

However, if we go back a few years to 2014, a similar survey found that only 17% of respondents were open to getting their first surgery, and 49% were opposed to the idea.

What The Data Says

According to ASPS’ yearly data, people in the 30 to 39 age group underwent nearly a quarter of all plastic surgeries in 2019. A 35-year-old person was actually statistically more likely to get plastic surgery than a 55-year-old.

The millennial generation also accounted for 35% of all liposuction procedures and tummy tucks performed that year, as well as 37% of all breast augmentations.

These two plastic surgery procedures are often bundled together into the so-called mommy makeover, along with other things like labiaplasty, stretch mark removal, and cellulite treatments. This is popular among millennial women who have most likely reached the point in their lives where they are not going to have any more children.

In terms of cosmetic minimally-invasive procedures, millennials accounted for over half of all cellulite treatments (including options such as Velosmooth® or Endermology), with a whopping 53% of the market share. They also underwent nearly a third of all laser treatments for leg veins, at 30%.

Some plastic surgeons are reporting that this age group only made up about 5% of their client base seven years ago. But today, millennials make up anywhere from 30-40% of their business, with those numbers expected to exceed 50% over the next five years.

The Prejuvenation Trend

Millennials are truly the first generation to actively try to stay ahead of the aging process. They get treatments before things like wrinkles, crow’s feet, or frown lines even show up.

In fact, 73% of surveyed millennial-aged plastic surgery patients described their procedures as preventative treatments, leading to a new trend in plastic surgery called prejuvenation.

Staying ahead of the aging process can actually lead to more natural-looking results. Young patients that get treatments are looking to preserve how they look today. However, if someone waits until they are 40 or 50 to get a facial surgery, they are likely looking to claw back a few years, which is more difficult to do.


2020’s numbers haven’t been tallied yet, but millennials are expected to represent an even bigger percentage of the total marketplace. An entire generation is starting to see the signs of aging showing up, while they’re also old enough to have the financial means to get a procedure.

This generation knows that they have options, and they know that they can age on their own terms.

Whether you choose to get every plastic surgery operation under the sun or none, that is your choice! You are in charge of your appearance and how you look as you age. Enjoy the options available to you and feel empowered in making the right choice for your lifestyle.


The Truth About Millennials And Plastic Surgery

The post The Truth About Millennials And Plastic Surgery appeared first on Miss Millennia Magazine.

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