You Need These 4 Hemp Travel Products

You Need These 4 Hemp Travel Products

When it comes to traveling sustainably, there are all kinds of things we need to take into consideration. We need to think about our mode of transportation and its carbon footprint as well as the environmental policies of our destination. We should consider how easy it is to enjoy a sustainable plant-based diet and lifestyle too. Moreover, we also need to consider the products that we take with us. When you use hemp travel products, you are making a sustainable choice.

Why choose hemp travel products?

Hemp travel products offer sustainable products and versatility.

When many of us think of hemp, we think about online alternatives to Herb Approach. However, there’s more to this wonder plant than buds and edibles. Aside from its versatility, it’s also a very hardy and low-maintenance crop, meaning that very few chemicals are required to grow it. Products made from hemp are also easy to recycle and 100% biodegradable. You can see more about the environmental impact of hemp here

Let’s take a look at some of our favorite hemp travel products!

1. Hemp Pain Relief Cream

hemp pain relief creme

Many of us experience aches and pains when traveling. Long haul flights or long periods behind the wheel can leave our muscles tense and sore. This natural hemp-derived cream not only relieves pain, but also helps to combat the inflammation that’s the cause of the pain. So you can enjoy pain-free travel no matter how far you’re going!

Buy Ramina Natural Hemp Extract Pain Relief Creme here.

2. Superlost CBD Cold Brew

Got a long trek ahead of you? Need to stay alert but without the jitters and paranoia that usually come with your caffeine fix? Try delicious CBD cold brew coffee to combine your coffee zip with a calming dose of CBD from 100% hemp-derived sources.

3. Hydrating Hemp Oil

active facial serum hemp oil

Long haul flights can be a nightmare for your skin, especially if you have naturally dry skin to begin with. It can leave your skin feeling papery and dehydrated.

Restore your skin’s moisture balance with some awesome hydrating hemp oil. As well as CBD oil derived from hemp, it also contains a number of other hydrating and soothing natural ingredients including Vitamin C and Hylauronic Acid.

4. CBD sunscreen

We all want to protect our skin from harmful UV rays when we travel. But we also want a natural sunscreen that’s sustainably sourced. Look no further than this nourishing and hydrating CBD sunscreen that combines 50 SPF UV protection with pure hemp seed oil. Made from all-natural ingredients, it’s a great choice for your skin and the planet!


We hope you enjoy these four incredible hemp travel products the next time you take a trip!

You Need These 4 Hemp Travel Products

The post You Need These 4 Hemp Travel Products appeared first on Miss Millennia Magazine.

from Miss Millennia Magazine

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