8 Cool ConvertKit Hacks You Should Know About

8 Cool ConvertKit Hacks You Should Know About

There are so many tips and strategies you can use when it comes to email marketing. I use ConvertKit for my email marketing software, and I have used it for the last four years or so.

And in that time, I have learned quite a few ConvertKit hacks that make it easier for bloggers to grow and make money with their email list. And I'm going to share those tips with you today.

A Quick ConvertKit Review

If you're wondering how I landed on ConvertKit as my email marketing tool of choice, I have to tell you it was not a straight shot. When I first started my blog back in 2011, ConvertKit did not exist yet. (Nathan Barry founded ConvertKit in 2013) I started my email marketing journey the same way many people start with MailChimp.

Then I realized that once you get a certain number of email subscribers, it's time to move to a platform that is more geared towards your niche. MailChimp is fine if you are an e-commerce store, but there are so many other things I wanted to do with my email list outside of just sending essential email marketing campaigns that MailChimp did not provide.

From MailChimp, I went to Aweber, which was a great platform and moderately priced. I also enjoy that they thought about teaching their users more about email marketing with videos, which at the time was a pretty big deal. That was great for me because I still had so much to learn about this space.

I started using their more advanced features, but I soon realized that the newer strategies I was learning about could not be implemented on the Aweber platform. They began to fall behind on what was up-and-coming in the email marketing world.Convertkit- Email marketing for creators

But it was during this time when I had heard about a new email marketing platform that was designed specifically for bloggers. When I found ConvertKit, I was smitten. Not only did it have all the tools I needed, such as automation, email sequences, customizable forms, automation rules, and split testing, but they also had so much content that I could read or watch to help me grow my email list. They even do regular webinars to teach people more about how to have successful email campaigns and ways to build your email list. 

I signed up and have not regretted a thing. Convertkit's prices are reasonable, I have a variety of tools that I can use within their platform, and they're always looking for and working on the next best thing.

If you don't believe me, give it a try for yourself. Their free plan allows you to have up to 1,000 subscribers on your account for free. You can use my link to sign up for a free account here!

Watch the video below for a quick demo of how ConvertKit works.

Fast forward to today, and I am still thrilled with my ConvertKit account. Sure there are other ones out there that are comparable, but ConvertKit was made especially for bloggers like me. And I love them for that.

I am always surprised when I learn that some bloggers are not using some of the most powerful features that ConvertKit offers, and I want to spend a little time today sharing some of those things with you.

1. Create various email sequences

create various email sequences

If you have an email list, you should have at least an email sequence. And with ConvertKit, you can have MANY email sequences. What makes an email sequence different than sending a broadcast email is that an email sequence is a series of emails that go out to your email list automatically.

I typically link a particular form to a specific email sequence so that it shows the subscriber who gets a particular freebie goes thorough an email sequence related to that freebie. Take one of my freebies, for example—my free book list for millennials

create various email sequences

I set up my sequence so that anyone who signed up for this review will automatically be put into my “millennials book list” sequence. That means they will automatically get a series of emails related to that freebie. Easy enough! This way, I can make sure they get quality content geared towards what they signed up for. 

It's effortless to set this up and ConvertKit. Are you have to do is click on the “Sequences” tab on the top navigation menu. Then, click the pink “New Sequence” button on the far right.

You can create emails and set times for when you want them to be sent to your new subscriber. it's a great way yo welcome your readers and introduce them to yourself and your content.

2. Use the visual automation area to map out your sales funnel

use visual automation area to map out your sales funnel

The visible automation portion of ConvertKit is a newer feature, and it is incredible. Marketing automation makes it so much easier to visualize where are your audience member is coming from through to sales. For example, my ConvertKit account is linked to my Stripe account, so anyone who purchases one of my products is also added to ConvertKit. There, they are automatically labeled as being a product purchaser.

It is great being able to segment your list this way because someone who buys one thing from you, especially if you have great content or product, is more likely to buy again. Use this to your advantage when it comes to sending emails. You should not treat those who purchase versus those who don't even open an email the same. They both need different things, so give them what they need.

To set this up, you want to go over to “Automations” then hit the “Integrations” section. From here, you can set up whatever payment provider you use for your products there. Make sure that when they purchase a product, they are automatically put into ConvertKit so that you can continue to email them.

3. Use their live chat when you are in a jam

hey creator welcome from convertkit

ConvertKit's customer service is another feature that moved me to make the switch to their email platform. It is so lovely that they have an online chat feature, allowing me to message anytime and get a response within a day.

If you're in a jam with anything—and I mean anything—with your email, the ConvertKit team is fantastic. It doesn't matter if you want them to look over an email for you or if you cannot figure out how to accomplish a specific goal, they are there for you.

They are patient and know the platform and strategies pretty well. They will answer your questions in a way that not only solves the problem you are facing but also teaches you something new about the platform you did not realize before. Use them! 

But That's Not All

While we're on the subject of the ConvertKit team, I should also mention that they always have some cool webinars and different events to help subscribers grow your email list and get better email writing.

4. Embed lead magnets in your blog posts

If you're someone who has several different freebies on your blog, you want to make sure they are everywhere on your site. The more they are seen, the more sign-ups you can expect to get.

It is super easy to embed forms on your site with ConvertKit. While most people put forms on their sidebars and the homepage of their websites, they often neglected to put forms on their blog posts. For example, with my free millennials book list, I made sure that this form is embedded in every blog post, I have my website.


5. Use the ConvertKit landing pages

I was a little late to the game when it came to landing pages on ConvertKit, but their landing pages means you can collect email addresses without even having a website. Many people know how important it is to have forms for your freebies on your homepage and sidebars, but not in the blog posts. You should have your forms here too to give your audience as many chances to sign up for your list.

The video below shows you how to create a landing page for your freebie and how to embed it on your site.


For the record, having a landing page, as well as a form for your sign-up, makes a considerable difference. If you are you going to get people to sign up on your email list from Pinterest, for example, you do not want to send people to a form on your site where there are probably 1000 other places for them to click and get distracted.

Sending them to a landing page is great because there are fewer distractions. They get to the heart of the matter, which is signing up for your list.

6. Split test your subject lines

The A.B. testing feature is hands-down, one of my favorite things about this whole tool. If you have ever experienced sending an email and getting hardly anyone opening it, you know the struggle that is coming up with the right subject lines.

When you send out broadcast emails, make sure you are split testing your subject line. If you are not getting people opening your emails, it's because the subject line sucks. #SorryNotSorry

split test your subject lines

Here is how it works. ConvertKit sends out both subject lines 50/50 to 30% of your audience. When it sends, it is measuring which subject line is getting more opens.

After four hours, it sends the winning subject line to the remaining 70% of your email list. Pretty cool, right? This way, you know you are getting the best subject line every time.

7. Use Other Free Tools to Get The Highest Conversions

Well, ConvertKit is incredible with all its features. But I'd be amiss if I didn't mention all the other tools that make your ConvertKit experience even better. Here are some of my favorites.

Pretty Links

Let me tell you about Pretty Links. Pretty Links allows you to take any link and make it beautiful. You take a link that looks like this: https://ift.tt/39VMd7l and turns it into this: https://ift.tt/31l5hIj.

So what does that have to do with the email? Good question! Another benefit of Pretty Links is that I can track all of my links in one place.

I just go to my reporting to see how many clicks I get for each one. (Bonus Tip: I mostly use this for my affiliate links!)

Drip Scripts

Remember when I said you could have several email sequences? Well, if you don't have one, tools like DripScripts allow you to you have a template to start with. Now I will admit that my email welcome sequence is entirely different than their model. But as you all may know, it is much easier to start writing when you already have some words on paper than to start from scratch.

DripScrips is another free tool. You can get the templates here.

Subject Line Analyzer tool

You need this tool. It tells you if you have a good subject line score based on data that says what people are more likely to open.

The best part about this tool is that its free! Get a score of 60 or more, and you are ready to send. You can use it here.

8. Click to tag

click to tag demo for convertkit

Another ConvertKit feature you should be aware of it that click-to-tag feature. ConvertKit tags and segments your list with every email you send. Here is what it does.

Let's say I have five different links in my email, and one of those links is to a post about blogging. I can set it up to say that anyone who clicks on the link is interested in blogging. You can do this with every email you send from ConvertKit, which is fantastic because it makes it easier for you to segment your list.

A segmented list is so much easier to sell products on because you know to whom you're selling. Another benefit of having a segmented list? You get launch more often for different products without tiring out your list. More money, anyone?

Bonus Tip: Wake up your audience

OK, seriously, this is the last step before I'm finished.

I recently discovered that you could see people who have opened an email in the last three months. Why is this important? Because in case you haven't noticed, ConvertKit gets more expensive, the more people you have on your list.

And this is all fine and dandy if everyone on your list is opening your emails. But if you have people sitting on your list and not opening anything, they are costing you money and not doing you any favors. So you have to find a way to give them the boot.

You can set a rule if you ConvertKit that says if they have not opened an email in 30 days, then they are removed from the email list. This sequence helps keep your email list clean, so you know if someone is on your list, they are active and ready to buy.

If you're not sure how to get to a sequenced target, they have a great one on DripScripts called Cold email engagement. This sequence tries to reengage them before removing them for the list altogether. This sequence would help keep your email is clean so that you know the people who are actually on your list or active and ready to buy.

Want to learn more tips about ConvertKit and email marketing hacks? Check out this webinar: List Building Pep Talk. Your Guide to your first 1,000 email subscribers.

Those are the ConvertKit hacks I have for you today, but tell me if I'm missing something. Tell me your tip, and I am happy to add more to my list!

8 Cool ConvertKit Hacks You Should Know About

The post 8 Cool ConvertKit Hacks You Should Know About appeared first on Miss Millennia Magazine.

from Miss Millennia Magazine

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