6 Easy Ways To Keep In Touch With Old Friends

6 Easy Ways To Keep In Touch With Old Friends

Friends are such an important part of our lives. They experience life with us, whether it’s going well or poorly. Our old friends know us unlike anyone else because they’ve been through it all by our side. When you don’t see your close friends regularly, though, that can potentially create some distance between you. No one wants that, right? You have to make sure to keep in touch with old friends!

I haven't lived in the same city as my childhood friends for the past seven years. Plus, I have several close friends from college who I live far away from now. So I guess you can say that I have some experience with keeping in touch with friends who I don’t have the pleasure of seeing every day. I have used many of these methods to keep my friendships strong, so I can tell you that they work!

Here are six different ways to keep in touch with the important people in your life.

1. Meet Up as Much as Possible

This is perhaps the most obvious and difficult solution to keeping in touch with friends. Actually hang out! If you still live in the same area, or within a reasonable driving distance, try to meet up at least once a month. If you live farther away, look into a cheap plane ride to see each other once or twice a year. There’s no substitute for spending time together in person.

two friends drinking together

2. Never Forget a Birthday

Whether you write a loving social media post, send a simple card, or ship a gift to your friend, they will appreciate it. You could also set up a virtual birthday party with your squad! Remembering birthdays is an easy way to show you care. And, a birthday message can be used as a jumping-off point for further conversation. So if you haven’t talked in a while, it’s a great opportunity to catch up.

3. Use Technology

In the 21st century, technology is a great choice for easy communication. There are a million (I’m probably not exaggerating) ways to keep in touch using technology. Many of these, you probably use all the time. Some, you may have never heard of or considered using to connect with old friends. So, here are some of the many classic and creative ways you can use technology to stay connected with people.

Classic Methods

There are many tried-and-true methods for keeping in touch with technology. You probably use some of these already! And if you don't, you should start.

Creative Ways

These ways use technology in a slightly more creative way. Do you do some of these already?

As you can see, there are so many ways to use technology to stay close to your friends. Take advantage of them.

4. Write Each Other Letters

Sending letters between friends and family members has been a practice for centuries, long before there was any other form of communication across distance. Now, with so many ways to contact someone instantly, snail mail has been left in the dust. However, it’s still a wonderful way to keep in touch!

My friends and I sent each other mail while we were in college, and it’s exciting to receive those letters and postcards. I keep all my mail that I receive and bundle it up together at the end of the year. I know that when I’m older, I’ll love looking back on these messages.

Take the extra time to send your friends a letter or postcard. It shows how much you care, and they’ll have a wonderful keepsake from your friendship!

5. A Traveling Journal

If you’re anything like me, you were obsessed with The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants in your middle school years. You know how the traveling journal works. This is a super creative, fun way to keep in touch long-distance.

Since it’s pretty unlikely that you’ll find one pair of pants that fits you and your friends, though, sticking to the traveling journal will work. Set an amount of time for each person in the group to keep the journal. When your time is up, mail it to the next person. You can write entries about your life in the journal, doodle, and write comments on your friends' entries!

6. Plan a Trip Together

**DISCLAIMER: At the time of publication for this post, we are amidst the COVID-19 global pandemic. Please consult with the World Health Organization and Center for Disease Control guidelines before traveling.**

If you and your friend have ever wanted to visit the same destination, make it happen! For convenience, pick a place between both of your homes, or go all out and travel around the world together. Going on a trip together is an amazing way to make some lasting memories. Plus, you both get to check an item off your bucket list.

No matter what stage of life you’re in right now, you probably have old friends with whom you’d like to keep in touch. We hope that these suggestions help you maintain those friendships!

What is your favorite way to stay in touch with friends? Is it on this list? Let us know in the comments!

6 Easy Ways To Keep In Touch With Old Friends

The post 6 Easy Ways To Keep In Touch With Old Friends appeared first on Miss Millennia Magazine.

from Miss Millennia Magazine

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