Why Learning From Other Bloggers Is The Best Way To Grow Your Blog

Why Learning From Other Bloggers Is The Best Way To Grow Your Blog

There are so many ways to grow your blog! You can figure things out as you go, read books, take classes, read blog posts, and so many other options. I'll admit it can be a bit overwhelming.

I have found in over nine years of blogging that the best way to grow your blog is by learning from other bloggers.

Not only do other bloggers understand the day-to-day journey that is your blog, but they also have strategies and tips that they've tried before that you may not have even thought of. And if they are already making money blogging, even better! Learning from successful bloggers who also love blogging is the best way to go.

Because of this unique path they share with you, it is best to learn from them. Now don't get me wrong.  I have learned a great deal from YouTubers, podcasters, affiliate marketers, and even social media influencers. But when you get down to the nitty-gritty, they may not understand all the issues a blogger faces just as a blogger would not understand all the problems that a YouTuber encounters.

And that is why learning from other bloggers is the best! In this article, I want to give you some great tips as well as point out all the ways I have grown a great deal thanks to my fellow bloggers.

Webinars and Facebook Lives

When I first learned about webinars, I was thrilled! You are telling me, instead of me getting a book about this topic, I can go to a webinar with someone who has already done it and have them tell me how they did it? SOLD! Webinars were a lot easier, and I was even more surprised that during these webinars, I was getting quality content.

When Facebook lives emerged, I was even more smitten, because now I did not have to download any webinar software to participate. And the best part about webinars with other bloggers is that you can ask the experts questions, LIVE!

I am such a fan of this overall strategy that I have hosted many Facebook live events myself. I have covered topics such as creating content that your readers will enjoy, low-cost and free tools you should be using to start a blog, and monetization strategies. Check out one of my most recent Facebook live videos below:

You can see my video above, where we talk about how to build your blogging support group and the rest of our videos in the links below. While the live portion of this video is over, I love answering questions for those who have them. Leave your questions in the comments of any of these videos, and I will surely answer them!

Blog Courses

Blog courses are another great way to learn from other bloggers because, again, they are sharing the tips they've learned directly with you! And quite often, they give you worksheets and other resources along with ti!

But there are a lot of blog courses out there, and they can get a bit pricey. That is why I look forward to the Genius Blogger's Toolkit every year.

Genius Blogger's Toolkit

If you were ever going to invest in a blogging course, this would be the one, and here is why. The toolkit is a collection of over 94 eBooks, eCourses, templates, workbooks, planners, and membership sites. And for six days only every year, they offer this toolkit for only $97. That's a 97% discount on how much it would cost to buy all these blogging tools individually ($7,395.27).

Genius Blogger's Toolkit

The bundles include a variety of categories of content. Here is what was included in the 2019 package:

  • Affiliate Marketing – 5 products worth $222.99
  • Beyond Blogging – 3 Products worth $384.97
  • Branding – 4 products worth $106.94
  • Tech & Support – 3 products worth $588.00
  • Creating & Selling Products – 6 products worth $695
  • Design – 4 products worth $228.00
  • Email list Marketing – 7 products worth $481.95
  • Facebook & Twitter – 4 products worth $261.99
  • Finance & Legalese – 5 products worth $212.99
  • Get Started – 6 products worth $680.00
  • Instagram – 4 products worth $227.50
  • Monetization – 5 products worth $221.97
  • Pinterest – 7 Products worth $440.00
  • Podcasting & Vlogging – 5 Products worth $158.98
  • Productivity & Organization – 6 Products worth $257.00
  • SEO & Traffic – 8 Products worth $787.99

Here is the catch about the Genius Blogger's Toolkit

It's only on sale for a few days each year! Sadly, it is not on sale right now. However, you can still be put on the waitlist for when it opens up next time.

If you cannot tell, I am a total fangirl for this product because I have received so much value from it. I have been buying the Genius Blogger's Toolkit for the last four years, and while I haven't taken every single course in each one, I have still grown my blog. It's such a great value at a low price, so I highly recommend it!

Join the waitlist for the next Genius Blogger's Toolkit here!

If you are looking for some other excellent courses to join, I mention some great ones in my article 6 Blogging Courses That Will Put You in the Money-Making Fastlane.


Lastly, but certainly not least are masterminds. As you may know from some of my other articles, I have participated in mastermind groups, and I am a big believer in them. If it were not for the masterminds I've engaged in, I would not be here sharing what I know with all of you!

You can say that I have a special place in my heart for masterminds and the effectiveness of them. Instead of you banging your head against the wall and trying to figure out what's going wrong on your blog alone, you have several other people who can tell you ways you can improve.

If the idea of joining a mastermind seems out of reach, I highly recommend you join our Facebook group, where we provide expert advice and blogging resources to help you improve your blogs when you are feeling stuck.

Click here to join the Bloggers Supporting Bloggers Facebook group!

If you are more interested in joining a mastermind group, we can help you there too!

Blogging Money Formula is now accepting new members!

This opportunity is something I'm offering through my Blogging Money Formula program. In Blogging Money Formula, I show bloggers how to start making real money with their blogs with step-by-step guidance.

Here are some of the things I cover in the program:

  • How to properly apply for sponsored posts, so you get selected for more opportunities.
  • How to set up your blog so that brands can reach out to you about partnerships.
  • How to properly apply for sponsored posts, so you get selected for more opportunities: I will show you step-by-step how to apply so that brands choose you more often!
  • How to build long-term relationships with brands: This way, you can get recurring business with brands instead of having to pitch new ones all the time.
  • How to drive traffic to your blog posts: Great results produce repeat customers, and I will show you how to make that happen.
  • Access to my Sponsored post pricing tool so you know what you should be charging for your sponsored opportunities.
  • Access to my Canva Proposal template, so you look professional to brands.
  • My “Best Possible Blogger Method” to get selected more sponsored opportunities you apply to on influencer networks.
  • Legal guidelines for writing sponsored content on your blog, so you don't get in trouble.
  • Writing SEO quality content that gets more traffic organically.
  • Access to my email templates to reply to brands who reach out to you for partnerships.
  • Managing multiple sponsored opportunities at once and developing a long-term money-making strategy for sponsored opportunities.
  • Accelerating your growth with sponsored opportunities so you can make more money in the long run.

I also include bonus content! The bonus content includes:

  • Monthly LIVE Q&As with me in a private FB group ($1,000 Value) where you will get monthly guidance from me, and I will answer all your questions. Along with consistent monitoring of the FB group for questions.
  • My Rapid Instagram Growth Strategy ($75 value) where I give you my best tips on how to go from 0 to 10,000+ Instagram followers in a hurry.
  • The Efficient Blog Schedule Workbook ($65 value) shows you how to dedicate a little time each day to your blog and what to work on for which days.
  • My Social Media Traffic Blast mini-course ($139 value) shows you how to drive consistent traffic to your blog without having to spend a dime.

Blogging Money Formula is on sale now, but not for long:


Click here to learn more about the Blogging Money Formula Program!

As I mentioned earlier, there are so many other ways to grow your blog. And if you are learning from other bloggers about marketing strategies, Search engine optimization (SEO), and how to write great content, and other blogging tips, you are more likely to be successful. The key is to make sure that you are asking. You never know what you may learn from other bloggers!



Why Learning From Other Bloggers Is The Best Way To Grow Your Blog

The post Why Learning From Other Bloggers Is The Best Way To Grow Your Blog appeared first on Miss Millennia Magazine.

from Miss Millennia Magazine

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