8 Remarkable Benefits Of Creating A Blog

8 Remarkable Benefits Of Creating A Blog

Did you know that 77% of web users read blogs? According to a 2020 survey by TechJury, a total of 31.7M people are using blogs. Interesting, right! You're probably even more interested in joining the blogosphere now that you know that. There has never been a better time. Whatever your motivations, there is a lot to gain from having your own site. Consider these benefits of creating a blog.  

1. Record ideas on-the-go

Your blog could act like an online journal where you record your thoughts and ideas over time. One of the primary benefits of journaling is to track the progress that you made over a period. Reflecting on your previous posts can guide your choices, decisions, and goals.

For example, an article on some of your worst mistakes helps you to avoid repeating them. A post on your stressful moments and how you overcame them encourages you and others in the future.

On the flip side, sharing your success and triumphs can provide you with motivation in our tough moments. Read our article How To Achieve Your Fitness Goal This Year to see an example.

2. Improve your writing

One of the things that makes a successful blog is good writing. The longer you blog, the more you will improve your writing skills.

If you aren't confident in your writing, there are some things you can do. When you read creative pieces of renowned authors, try imitating their writing styles. You can also learn from other bloggers. Just remember to keep your voice when writing. Sometimes, writers focus on grammar and forget about the overall style and quality of their posts. Consider if your post is engaging and clear to your audience before you publish it.

3. Relieve stress

Creating blog posts have psychological and social benefits. Sharing your experiences and thoughts helps you deal with personal problems. Some events in life can cause depression, anxiety, and trauma. However, opening up about them deepens your understanding of yourself and helps you heal.

A blogger gains more than the therapeutic benefits of sharing experiences. You also communicate with other like-minded individuals. Your blog post is helping others, and when someone comments or messages you, you feel supported.

4. Boost your memory

Whether you write a journal, blog post, or a creative piece, writing engages the mind. An original creative post requires that the author’s brain remains active. As a bonus, you can learn about a topic that you love while improving your memory. 

5. Inspire creativity

Expressing your ideas, opinions, and thoughts today is straightforward. Creators no longer need to persuade magazine, newspaper, or book editors to publish their work. One of the benefits of creating a blog is that you can give yourself your own platform to be creative.

Starting your own blog is doable under fifteen minutes on WordPress using BlueHost today. Learn the step-by-step process of how to do this by reading How To Start A WordPress Blog On BlueHost That Makes Money.

Photographers, aspiring authors, and cartoonists can also enjoy the freedom that blogs bring. Show the world your talents through pictures, cartoons, and music. Look at it as a way of thinking out loud.

6. Keep your thoughts organized

Organization and consistency are key when starting a blog. It helps you, your audience, your traffic—everything!

Organizing your thoughts when writing helps your audience understand your ideas. Also, a well-organized post with subtopics is easy to navigate. Without excellent writing skills, crafting a paper with organized ideas is challenging, so some get essay writing help.

Experts suggest that readers who find articles useful come back to those sites. Here are a few ways to organize your thoughts

  1. Identify a topic and write down significant points you can think.
  2. Research your chosen topic
  3. Write a complete outline of the post, organizing different ideas into sections
  4. Begin each paragraph with a topic sentence
  5. Use subtopics to separate ideas

Also, consistency results in more traffic to your site. If your audience knows that you publish a post every Friday, for example, then they know to check your site every Friday for your latest content.

7. Become a Published Writer

With traditional media, it was challenging to find a platform to share your ideas. With blogging, vlogging, and social media, the tide has shifted. Creators no longer rely on persuading publishers for help. You can be your own writer, editor, and publisher!

8. Earn Money

Individuals and businesses are increasingly aware of the financial benefits of blogging. Through simple techniques, like advertising, blogs are now an actual source of income. Google AdSense reports paying almost $10 Billion to content publishers in 2015 alone.

By creating your own blog, you earn with every click or action. But, your earnings are dependent on various factors, such as:

  • Type of content are you posting
  • How much traffic your site gets
  • Location of your readers

Consider these pointers when placings ads on your page:

  • Place ads within the content for more clicks
  • Do not place your ads at the top or bottom of the page. You get a few clicks.
  • Place ads on the sides but ensure it does not hinder page navigation.
  • Do not overload the page with ads

There are other ways to earn money with your blog, such as writing sponsored posts. With a sponsored post, you're paid by a company to write about their products or services on your site. It's a great way to bring in income.

blogging money formula

If you want to write sponsored posts but don't know how, that's ok! Blogging Money Formula is an online course that shows motivated bloggers how to go from making a few (or no) dollars to making consistent money with their blogs every single month. I show you how to set up the foundation you need to be able to make REAL income with your blog that will make a difference for you and your family in the long run.

The program will teach you:

  • How to establish yourself as a professional blogger: I’ll show you everything your blog needs to be recognized as a professional blogger.

  • How to properly apply for sponsored posts so you get selected for more opportunities: I will show you step by step how to apply so that brands choose you more often!

  • How to get brands to reach out to you: I’ll show you what you need to set up on your blog so that brands reach out to you, as well as where to go to put yourself on their radar.

  • How to build long-term relationships with brands: This way, you can get recurring business with brands instead of having to pitch new ones all the time.

  • How to write content that appeals to your audience and the brand: Because great content does not need to be either-or!

  • How to drive traffic to your blog posts: Great results produce repeat customers, and I will show you how to make that happen.


Bonus: Learn More About Other People

Reading through your audience's comments exposes you to diverse viewpoints. If you enjoy meaningful discussions, this is the job for you. You get to hear varying perspectives and see the world through different eyes.

Understanding the viewpoints of different people can also be challenging. That’s why incorporating some of their suggestions in your writing gets tricky. In such instances, you might need to write an essay in one hour that responds to the diversity of your audience.

There are only some of the many benefits of creating a blog. Above all, remember that your blog won't benefit you alone. Your audience will gain just as much as you do. Become an inspiration to others.

Use this technological tool to create positive social change in your community. Think about writing blog content that advocates for the rights of those who face injustice. Consider influencing policy that impacts marginalized groups in your country. If you use your platform for good, you will enjoy it even more.

8 Remarkable Benefits Of Creating A Blog

The post 8 Remarkable Benefits Of Creating A Blog appeared first on Miss Millennia Magazine.

from Miss Millennia Magazine

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