4 Important Tips To Grow Your Blog Traffic Fast

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4 Important Tips To Grow Your Blog Traffic Fast

This post is sponsored by Russel Brunson. All opinions are 100% my own!

If your goal is to grow blog traffic you have come to the right place. There are so many articles out there about how to drive traffic to your blog and they are even more strategies that you can follow to do it.

I’ve seen strategies that range from guest posts, blog comments, email marketing, search traffic, shares on social networks, and keyword research. And those are all great strategies but…

Here is the thing, if you do not have the traffic basics down, these strategies may not be as useful. In this post, I am going to tell you some big realizations I've learned when it comes to increasing blog traffic in the long run.

How I Am Learning To Grow My Blog Traffic

I've been blogging for some time, but traffic is something that can always be improved. That is why I am currently reading Traffic Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Filling Your Websites and Funnels with Your Dream Customers by Russell Brunson

Now, this is not the first book I've read about blogging or building traffic, but one thing that I do enjoy about Russell's method is that his tips will never expire. They are pretty much technology-proof.

But you may be wondering, who is Russell Brunson? Russell Brunson is a Best-Selling Author & CEO of $100M software company ClickFunnels. He has built a following of over a million entrepreneurs, sold hundreds of thousands of copies of his books, and popularized the concept of sales funnels. In 2014, Russell and partner Todd Dickerson launched ClickFunnels, which became the fastest-growing non-venture backed software company in the world.

Traffic Secrets is his newest book, and it reveals the classic and foundational direct marketing techniques that will allow you to be at the front of new trends and see opportunities that are invisible to everyone else. Russell can share how to master evergreen traffic strategies in order to fill your website and funnels with your dream customers.

I will share some of the biggest takeaways I've pulled from the book so far.

1. Know Your Dream Customer

One of the first lessons I learned from this book is understanding your dream customer. This means knowing your target audience well enough so that you create quality content and products for them. Russell talks more about the importance of knowing your dream customer in the video below.

Knowing your audience is the first step to creating great content. Once you understand more about who they are, the more you can learn about what they like, dislike, and their core desires.

This was an important lesson for Miss Millennia, and we have an Avatar for our brand whose name is Olivia Anderson. Knowing what she likes (and what she doesn't) helps us make better decisions on what content we create and accept from guest posters.

2. Know Their Core Desires

The part in the book about core desires was one of my favorites because I learned something pretty cool. Pretty much, there are three core desires that drive people to buy: relationships, health, and wealth.

When I first heard this I thought, no way! But after further proof from Russell, I realized that every great marketing campaign played on one of these three core desires.

Another great thing about understanding core desires means now you can take the problems they are typing in Google and use long-tail keywords based on these core desires. You can also use those keywords in your content you create to drive them to your content. See how this starts to make more sense to grow your blog traffic?

3. Know Your Dream 100

I loved this lesson a lot when Russell described it in his book. It's a pretty great story. But to give you the TL;DR version, this Dream 100 is finding the top places on the internet where your audience hangs out.

And then targeting them in creative ways such as running a Facebook ad reaching them, or working on an affiliate deal with the person who owns those spaces.

Traffic Secrets: Your Dream 100 Is The Foundation

This concept is brilliant content marketing if I do say so myself. And Russell even gives examples of how he has used this tip in his business to reach success. If you want to get more traffic, knowing your Dream 100 is the foundation.

4. Understand If They Are Moving Away From Pain Or Towards Pleasure

This was a pretty interesting point to me when I read it. Here's the deal. When someone makes a purchase they are heading in one of two different directions. They are either moving away from pain or towards pleasure.

For example, if someone wants to lose weight, they are moving away from pain. In this same core desire, someone who is looking to get 6-pack abs is moving towards pleasure.

Get it?

Once you figure out which desire your core audience wants, you can create a better call to actions that will make things easier when it comes to getting them to take action on what you want to offer them.

Once you can figure this out, you can learn even more about what type of actions they are willing to take.

I know I covered quite a bit on how to grow your blog traffic. But believe it or not, all of this is only four secrets out of 20 in Traffic Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Filling Your Websites and Funnels with Your Dream Customers. If you got some good ideas on things you can do to your blog to optimize it, just imagine what else you can learn from the whole book!

Are you interested in growing your traffic on your blog? Get the book for free at this link here. (Just pay for shipping.)

Great traffic to your blog is doable! You just have to know what steps to take to get there. And this book shows you just how to get there.

If you also read Russell's book, let me know your thoughts about it in the comments! I would love to hear your thoughts about it.


This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Russell Brunson.


4 Important Tips To Grow Your Blog Traffic Fast

The post 4 Important Tips To Grow Your Blog Traffic Fast appeared first on Miss Millennia Magazine.

from Miss Millennia Magazine

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